Stop worrying about stupid little things and the relentless, gnawing, never-ending anxiety that goes along with it all! Use my tips to gain a happier, clearer and more peaceful outlook.
If your excessive worrying is getting out of control – whether the smallest things are upsetting you or you’re worried about every little ache and pain – Today, I want to talk to you about how to stop worrying about stupid little things in your life.
Related: White light protection meditation
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Today, I want to talk about three little steps that you can take to stop worrying about stupid little things, take control of the worry in your life and move it out of your mind and be able to think about things without those things latching onto your thoughts and moving in.
Step 1: Catch yourself when you’re worrying
Step one, to stop worrying about stupid little things is to really catch yourself worrying.
Now, you might say, “I know that I’m worrying. I know that it’s silly that I’m worrying but what do I do about that?
And I just want to say it’s really important that you separate yourself from the worry, that you take the actual thing that you’re worrying about – so that’s a mental picture of what you’re worrying about – and separate it from the emotion of what you’re worrying about because worry itself is an emotion.
Worry is kind of like a loop that comes in and once you’re on that loop, it seems to circle around again and again and it kind of feels like the sillier the worry, the more it kind of latches on.
If you want to stop worrying about stupid little things, this is a very important point.
So, catching yourself in the worry is the first thing. When you do, don’t get frustrated with yourself. Just really kind of say, “Okay, it’s obvious that I’m worrying about this right now. Here I am, worrying about it, I can’t stop thinking about it.
That’s the logical trick of the situation that we’re in right now and really see that that is logically what’s happening” – And then realizing that it’s a worry in itself and then separating it from the emotion. That’s a really important first step to getting yourself off this worry train that you’re finding yourself on.
Step 2: Stop worrying about stupid little things by dropping the resistance
Step two is to completely drop the resistance when you find that you’re worrying.
So that worried feeling that you have, that feeling in your tummy, that tension in the back of your neck getting into your shoulders and into your head, that’s all your muscular response to the emotion of the worry.
So, once you’ve caught yourself in the worry and once you’ve separated the emotion from it, it’s really important that you jump into your body and you drop the resistance.
To do this:
- Consciously relax your neck
- Relax the shoulders
- Relax the muscles in your tummy
- Relax across your forehead
- Relaxing into your face
- Really bring your attention to every muscle in your body and just feel that tension melt out of you and you can consciously do that.
It’s amazing how quickly you will begin to stop worrying about stupid little things when you just consciously relax your body.
Completely relaxing your body means that it gets ready for the third step.
Step 3: Put the worry into a ball of white light
So the third step to stop worrying about stupid little things is to take the worry and you put it into a ball of white light.
You picture this in your mind:
Get a ball of white light, picture a ball about 30 centimetres in diameter like a bubble and fill that with the purest white light energy that you can think of and just completely fill it and seal it off.
The material that surrounds that ball is completely impermeable, bulletproof glass or perspex or whatever material you want to put around it.
Sometimes, I like to put a layer of gold energy around as well just to really super secure this ball of white light.
And then you put your worry inside of the ball of white light.
So you’ve separated yourself from the emotion of it.
And then after you do this, you don’t need to push it away.
You can just hold the energy in the ball right there in front of you without needing to do anything else.
This is the really amazing and magical thing about energy healing for anxiety is that you separate yourself from the energy of the worry and you really don’t need to do much more than that because the Universe takes care of it.
You can stop worrying about stupid little things, simply by handing the worry over to the Universe.
By putting your worry into the ball of white light, the Universe is in there, the Universe is in the ball, it’s within you and it’s out there.
The Universe is everywhere that by consciously taking control of the worry and putting it into the ball of white light, you have handed it over to the Universe and then you can just allow yourself to hold that ball and just let it be there, there’s nothing that you need to do with it.

Time is really the magic ingredient when you want to stop worrying about stupid little things. So just by putting this worry into the ball of white light, you have done everything that you need to do to remove it from your life.
I’ve got an amazing free White light protection meditation which is wonderful for you if you can’t seem to be getting rid of the worries in your life. It’s like putting yourself inside that ball of white light and it goes into some more detail about how to do it and what to do once you’re in this wonderful energy.
Love + light,
Eva xo