How to Manage Anxiety in the Time of Coronavirus

Managing anxiety is a part of life for too many people. In this interview, I talk about how we should be focusing on connection and not control. In light of the pandemic, this is more important than ever. Ticker News recently interviewed me, where I had the chance to...

Can anxiety cause stomach pains?

Can anxiety cause stomach pains? It certainly can. When the energy is knotted in your solar plexus chakra, it is very easy for this to manifest as pain.  I’m often asked whether anxiety can cause stomach pains and I say: YES!! It can also cause nausea, which is more...

Are headaches a symptom of anxiety?

Are headaches a symptom of anxiety? Yes, they absolutely are, they are caused by muscle tension and I have some great tips that really work for relieving those stress headaches.
I’m often asked, “Are anxiety headaches a thing? Is that possible? Can anxiety be the cause for all these headaches that I’ve been having?” And I say yes, Butterfly, absolutely.

Can anxiety cause memory problems?

Can anxiety cause memory problems? You bet it can. Luckily, it’s not long-term memory loss, and it can be reversed. Anxiety can cause a lot of mental fatigue, which can manifest as excessive worrying, fatigue and exhaustion, as well as overwhelm. Today, I’d like...