Nov 12, 2018 | General anxiety
Can anxiety cause memory problems? You bet it can. Luckily, it’s not long-term memory loss, and it can be reversed. Anxiety can cause a lot of mental fatigue, which can manifest as excessive worrying, fatigue and exhaustion, as well as overwhelm. Today, I’d like...
Nov 6, 2018 | General anxiety
When anxiety controls your life, it feels like you have no say in what is happening, or the outcome. It can manifest in things like extreme health anxiety as well as physical symptoms like a nervous stomach. Here’s what you can do to slow the chaos and get back...
Oct 30, 2018 | Anxiety at night
Want to sleep better when you have anxiety? Anxiety can cause insomnia, restlessness, nightmares and nocturnal panic attacks – but never fear! Follow these steps for a good night’s rest. Whether you have trouble actually getting to sleep, or you find you’re...
Oct 23, 2018 | General anxiety
I know what it feels like to be trapped by excessive worrying – it gets in the way of being able to enjoy your life. Whether you’re worried about every ache and pain or just want to stop worrying about stupid little things, this article will show you how...
Oct 15, 2018 | General anxiety
Learning to relax with anxiety disorder can feel uncomfortable at first, but it’s worth the reward. Whether you need to physically relax – such as needing to calm a nervous stomach, or mentally chill out and learn how to be truly happy – this article...