Have you ever felt weighed down, as if there was a heavy object on your head? Or experienced moments of dizziness and feelings of disorientation? If so, you’re not alone. Many people suffer from heavy head and dizzy anxiety. While for some it may be occasional, for others it can be a daily struggle. If this is something you’re currently struggling with, know that you’re not alone and there are things you can do to help.
When you have anxiety, it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. Literally. It’s so hard to keep your head up when you’re feeling overwhelmed and panicked. And when your head is heavy with worry, it only makes your anxiety worse. If you’re struggling with this type of anxiety, there is hope. There are things you can do to help yourself feel better.

One of the most common causes of head heaviness is hyperventilation
Hyperventilating or breathing too quickly can cause light-headedness and dizziness. It can also make you feel like there’s a heavy weight sitting on your head. When you’re feeling overwhelmed with anxiety, it’s easy to breathe faster without even noticing. Some other symptoms related to head pressure may be chest pain or pressure, tingling in your hands or fingers, blurred vision, shortness of breath, feeling hot, nausea , trembling , feelings of panic and more . If this sounds familiar, know that it is very likely due to hyperventilation. Again this causes head heaviness because when you are taking rapid breaths, you are breathing out carbon dioxide, meaning your blood is holding more oxygen.
If you find yourself head heavy and dizzy with anxiety , there are a few things you can do to help yourself feel better
One of the best things for head pressure is to breathe into a paper bag. By breathing in and out of an already pre-carbonated bag, it forces you to slow your breaths without having to think about it so much. This ends up bringing more oxygen back into your system and slows down hyperventilation.
Another thing that helps head pressure when combined with other relaxation techniques like EFT or Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is diaphragmatic breathing . Diaphragm breathing not only makes your head feel lighter, but can help with head pressure , chest pain relief and even tingling in the hands. It has also been shown to be effective for anxiety , panic attacks, PTSD, depression and many other conditions.
When you’re head heavy and dizzy because of anxiety, it’s important to remember that while these feelings are very uncomfortable, they are not dangerous. They’re just your body’s natural response to stress . However, that doesn’t mean that head pressure isn’t something you should take seriously or pay attention to. If it becomes so heavy you feel like your head is going to explode or if it accompanies other symptoms like shortness of breath or heart palpitations , seek medical attention immediately so there aren’t bigger health issues at play. But until then, know that head pressure is very common when you’re feeling overwhelmed with worry and there are things you can do to feel better.
My free Stop Dizziness from Anxiety meditation is designed to help you calm your mind and release the tension causing the head pressure. It’s a quick, easy way to help yourself feel better when you’re feeling overwhelmed.
If you’re serious about getting rid of dizziness quickly and permanently, sign up to my Dizzy No More program. I offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can try it out risk-free. In the program, you’ll learn relaxation techniques and breathing exercises that will help you calm your mind and release the tension causing the head pressure.