Calm, peaceful and free
Heal Your Panic Attacks and get on with living a life you love
Right now, feeling peaceful and free seem like a far-off fairytale.
Your life is constantly interrupted by the fear and anxiety of panic attacks.
You’re ruled by the untameable beast of panic attacks (and you fear it will remain in control for the rest of your life.)
You’re always wondering when the next intrusion will happen.
You avoid the things that used to bring you pleasure (like eating out, going places, even talking to friends).
You’re drowning in shame that something invisible could have such a hold on you.
You’re a shadow of your former self.
You see no clear way of fixing it.
You feel like you’ve tried, and failed.
“I felt energetic and calm within hours.” – Feedback from another course participant
Heal Your Panic Attacks is an audio guided meditation program which will make you feel safe and happy, without fear of a panic attack lurking around the next corner.

Get peace and freedom, without the time and expense, quickly, easily, and permanently:
- Get back in charge of your life again
- Feel connected and purposeful
- Be able to enjoy each and every moment
- Feel calm and content
- Learn to believe in your own healing power
- Say YES to trying new things
- Become open to new social and career opportunities
- Reconnect with your loved ones with a heart that is full and happy
- Feel a true sense of accomplishment
- Feel true happiness in your cells
- Build your healing ability each and every time you use this program
- Know that this technique is 100% natural and safe
- Be in full control of your life
The program includes:
- A panic self help meditation, to listen to DURING your panic attack.
- A recovery track, to soothe and heal your energy field after a panic attack
- A deep healing track, to transform your core pattern and prevent panic attacks from happening
- An affirmations track, to reinforce the deep healing on a daily basis
Used in the correct order, following the instructions of the program, Heal Your Panic Attacks unleashes magic in your life. You will feel cool, composed and in-control.
It will give you confidence and certainty – the ability to make decisions without fear of a panic attack hanging over your head.
You will feel secure that you have every tool you’ll ever need to fearlessly conquer panic attacks before they even happen.
Just wanted to say a huge thank you for this course! It’s never been easy for me to shake off my panic attacks but I could definitely see so much improvement after just a week of using your program. I did not expect this course to be so easy to adapt into my life and that I would be able to actually follow all of the steps without any resistance. Most of us high-anxiety people don’t want to share our struggles with others but we still want to be helped. What makes this program great is you don’t have to communicate with anybody but yourself. You can listen to it anywhere as it’s on your phone at any comfortable place. This is very, very important! It doesn’t take much time or effort, it literally feels like breathing right away. I never felt obligated to listen to a certain track but I actually wanted to do that every time I felt a need. I’d say the best part for me was Eva’s voice! What makes it different from any other meditations and audio affirmations I’ve heard before is that Eva’s voice has such an incredible strength in it that it makes you feel very calm and safe.
I can’t wait to see what’s next, because I’m in love with your healing program. It has made me generally feel more calm and relaxed in my everyday life and assured that everything is going to be OK. The best parts are the recovery track and the affirmation track, they help me the most and I feel very relaxed and even happy after listening to them. Sometimes I listen to the tracks when I am overthinking and cannot sleep at night. The affirmation track makes me feel on top of the world and in control of every single aspect of my life. Thank you so much.
I absolutely love the meditation tracks! I am using the program daily. I love Eva’s Australian accent and feel that it helps a lot in relaxing and leaning into the meditation. After the first time listening to the course during a panic attack, I realized that I did not come out on the other end exhausted. I often needed days to recover from a panic attack, and this time I felt energetic and calm within hours. I also love the affirmations. Whenever I cannot sleep, I listen to them and somewhere towards the end, I fall asleep. Since my insomnia is mostly anxiety related, that means it really helps. I sleep so much better! I love that! I can fall asleep when I am just tired instead of exhausted. To anyone who is contemplating buying this course and unsure whether to do it, I would say: Every day you wait is a day longer you will have to live with panic attacks and you can stop them now. If this course works even half as well for you as it did for me, it is so worth it!
This journey of transformation starts with you.
You have the power to say YES to a fearless, sassy, smart, victorious future.
Say YES to a future of confidence and freedom, feeling solid and self-trusting in everything you do.
Say goodbye to being a victim and say a big HELLO to deep peace, certainty and confidence. Sign up now and gain access to this proven method immediately.

Use Heal Your Panic Attacks as instructed for a month, and the program doesn’t work for you, I will refund your money. No questions asked.