I’m feeling an electric current in my body

Reader question: I’m feeling an electric current in my body. My body feels like it has an electric current running through it all day, actually. A: I have personally experienced this as well – at it’s worst it felt like my entire body was live with electricity and I was feeling zaps all over the place!

Can anxiety cause missed heartbeats?

Can anxiety cause missed heartbeats? It sure can! When it felt like my heart was missing a beat, I went and had a test done which revealed that my body was oversensitized, which made me feel like my heart missed a beat. This oversensitisation created other symptoms...

Can anxiety make your face feel numb?

Can anxiety make your face feel numb? It certainly can. If you have anxiety causing numbness in your face, my story can help you. Anxiety and facial numbness is actually very common. Read my story about how my face went numb and tingly from anxiety, and what I did to...