How to reduce anxiety at night

Reduce anxiety at night – you know that creeping feeling that comes on around twilight and can end with you waking up in a panic gasping for air?   Learn how to calm and sleep better when you have anxiety by following these simple steps to keep the night time...

How to sleep better when you have anxiety

Want to sleep better when you have anxiety? Anxiety can cause insomnia, restlessness, nightmares and nocturnal panic attacks – but never fear! Follow these steps for a good night’s rest. Whether you have trouble actually getting to sleep, or you find you’re...

Can anxiety disorders cause nightmares?

Anxiety disorders cause nightmares, night terrors, night sweats and night time panic attacks. Here’s how you can sleep better when you have anxiety and get a peaceful night of rest. Today, I want to talk to you about what happens when anxiety gives you...