Vertigo, insomnia and anxiety are getting me down
I’ve had vertigo, insomnia and anxiety for years, on and off. To say I’m past the point of wanting it gone is an understatement! I find the vertigo gets worse during times of stress – for example, when COVID19 first hit I was glued to my bed and it felt like my...
Throat and tongue spasms – possible anxiety??!!
Q: Hi Eva, I would like to know what is causing my throat and tongue to spasm. Could I consider it to be an anxiety problem? Thanks in advance.
I’m feeling an electric current in my body
Reader question: I’m feeling an electric current in my body. My body feels like it has an electric current running through it all day, actually. A: I have personally experienced this as well – at it’s worst it felt like my entire body was live with electricity and I was feeling zaps all over the place!