I’m really stressed and anxious about my divorce and I’ve been unable to sleep. I listened to your Anxiety, worry and sleep guided meditation and fell asleep very quickly, thank you.
I feel like I need something more to help soothe my anxiety, the meditation at night is great but it feels like a band aid solution. What else do you recommend for me, when my anxiety from my divorce means I can’t sleep?
Do you have any recommendations on something I could listen to throughout the day to get to the core of my anxiety?
Also, my life is busy, and things are in such a state of flux, I feel like I need something to hold onto as a reality check. Something that’s just for me, outside of this tumultuous phase of my life.
I don’t regret my divorce, I know it’s the best thing for me in the long run. But it’s a process I would never wish on anyone.
Thank you so much

Eva’s response:
Hi Karen
Thank you for reaching out, and I’m sorry you are going through such a stressful time, and anxiety from your divorce means you can’t sleep
I would actually recommend you to listen to several of my free meditations in a certain order. All of my meditations get really good outcomes for people, but if they are listened to in a certain order, they are supercharged.
So for you I recommend the following:
Twice a day. Start every morning by sitting on the side of your bed with your feet flat on the floor, and listen to this meditation. At the end of every day, instead of collapsing into bed in exhaustion, sit on the side of your bed and listen to the grounding meditation again. Grounding is the absolute number one step I teach anyone.
Then, I want you to do my White light protection meditation:
Twice a day, directly after the grounding meditation.
Grounding and White light are the two meditations you absolutely must do every day. Morning and night. It will take 10 minutes each time, total.
If anxiety from your divorce means you can’t sleep, I suggest you do these meditations next for deeper healing:
Take time aside to look in the mirror and listen to this meditation. Mirror work with Ho’oponopono is intense, so make sure you set time aside to do it (ie don’t do it while you’re doing your makeup getting ready to go out, you’ll end up with running mascara and blotches.) 30 minutes on a Saturday afternoon would work well.
Space between your brain cells meditation:
This is the meditation you listen to when you feel like you are beyond capacity and the slightest little push will throw you off the deep end. This meditation is an EXCELLENT little retreat when you don’t have time for a retreat. Set 15 minutes aside for this one. The results build over time.
For sleep:
You know that my Anxiety, worry and sleep guided meditation works wonders. Start with that and if you need something longer I think this 3 hour track on YouTube is really good – just be aware there are some ads at the beginning, but not throughout the video.
Spotify also has some great sleep tracks.
I hope this helps! Please feel free to reach out if I can help you further in any way. All the best – divorces are never fun but I can see that you have the big picture in mind, and truly understand that this phase is necessary to truly come into your own.
Love + light
Eva xo